Change Out Loud

S3:E13 Accessible Design is Good Design

Kara Sundar, Adnan Ali Season 3 Episode 13

In this episode, we discuss why accessible design must be top of mind for all change practitioners. Whether it is neurodiversity, a person living with color blindness, or a person who uses an alternate method of communication, our design decisions greatly impact how others are able to consume and understand our content. Key takeaways from this discussion include the following best practices:

  • Differentiate Beyond Color Only
  • Test Your Content with Accessibility In Mind
  • Program for Accessibility Readers (i.e. Reading Tables)
  • Add Metadata & Alt Text to Photos and Images
  • Leverage APIs and Tools
  • Upskill and Learn Best Practices

We want to hear from you! How are you incorporating accessibility into your design?

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